Friday, February 26, 2010


One image i can never get out of my mind is that of this friend, stuffing his shoes with "farra"- aka- cheat notes for an examination. Following immediately is that of the same fellow, stuffing the very same shoes with "pot" that he wanted to carry on a plane journey. And of course if one is stuffing it with "red light" stuff, cash is expected to be found in their shoes for sure.

For long i have felt that shoes are the most "insightful" accessory.

The act of tying a shoe lace is like finalizing the course of your soul's journey through life. You beat about the bush a little, you tangle them amongst one another to finally emerge with a tight grip around your feet( in case of the soul- a grip tight enough to place its path).

Similarly, the act of polishing the Shoe is like doing an I.T. job- or maybe ANY job (not too sure about other kinda of jobs since i havent done them). You work with a creased forehead (maybe the tip of your lip out from a corner of your mouth, to breathe in more air). You rub and rub and make them SHINE. then you sitback- satisfied and greased in shoe polish. You wash your hands, walk out of the house with the "snap happiness" of doing a good job on the shoes. You keep pausing to look at them once in a while. So far so good. (for thick heads- you are now shining at your JOB in allegorical terms).And then you soil them.

But BEHOLD! The beauty and Pity of the situation lies in the fact that you must POLISH every single time you soil them. By some pathetic act of monotony and cruel humor of life- resting on laurels is something impossible for "corporates". So ones shoes cant shine extra today to compensate for dirt on them tomorrow.

Again the act of pausing to take chewing gum off the soles of your shoes is like trying to get rid of a useless man ( or a "no longer useful" man). You've evaluated that the gum's unwanted and you keep tugging at its "roots" but IT JUST WONT COME OFF. Also- You cant for the life of you recall ON WHICH god forsaken footpath, you found the gum in the first place.

Shoes and Life.

i think i'm gonna babble some more on this later

1 comment:

  1. wow! never thought of it this way. For me, shoes only symbolized a great invention of human to protect feet. :-) Guess, I ignored d deeper meaning... :-)
    Nice post. Keep writing
